
Panelists after the 'Careers in Industry' event talking with audience members
Thu, 09/22/2016
Students learning how to code using MATLAB in the Integrated Workshop short course.
Thu, 09/15/2016
2015 meeting: First-year physics student presenting a poster on an Integrated Workshop module conducted in the Berro lab.
Tue, 09/15/2015
Breakthrough students building a circuit


Tue, 08/04/2015

This photo gallery includes images of the Breakthrough New Haven and a module that a PEB/MEMS student developed on electronics and programming.

IW module demo
Tue, 08/04/2015

This photo gallery depicts the annual visit of Connecticut College undergraduates to Yale.

MB&B student demonstrating diffusion
Wed, 07/01/2015

Gallery of IGPPEB students and others working with elementary and middle school students.